Machine de bouchage (Bouchon rotatif)
Zhonghuan fournit à ses clients des machines de remplissage, des remplisseuses sertisseuses pour tubes, des lignes remplisseuses boucheuses, des boucheuses, des étiqueteuses, des encartonneuses et des mélangeurs homogénéiseurs. Ces machines sont utilisées par nos clients pour emballer leurs produits. Elles sont destinées à l'emballage de liquides, poudres, crèmes, pâtes, fluides et semi-fluides.

- Boucheuse visseuse automatiqueScrew caps using the fully automatic screw capping machine are easy to open, and have a high sealing performance. The screw capping machine is suitable for a variety of working environments, and is an ideal piece of equipment used for packaging pesticides.

- Boucheuse rotative automatiqueThe automatic spindle capper uses a screw capping system. Operators can adjust the capping speed for different yields, and the capping machine itself is widely used to cap round and square bottles, including trigger spray caps, pump caps, push-pull caps, snap hinge caps and sport push-pull caps.

- Boucheuse visseuse linéaireThe ZHX200 inline capping machine uses a screw capping system where the operator can adjust the capping speeds for a different yield. It features efficient operation, and can be paired with high speed capping machines to form a bottle packaging line.

- Boucheuse rotative entièrement automatiqueThe fully automatic rotary capper is designed with six manipulators for automatic bottle feeding, as well as mass bottle unscrambling, gripping and capping. This capping equipment is suitable for bottles that do not match easily with other caps, and is widely used to cap threaded caps in a variety of applications.

- Boucheuse rotative pour pompe de pulvérisationThe spindle capper is a new type of capping machine designed for spray pump capping difficulties. It is widely used to cap a variety of cap sizes on spray pumps, include for shower gels, detergents, shampoo and other products.