Machine d'étiquetage
Zhonghuan fournit à ses clients des machines de remplissage, des remplisseuses sertisseuses pour tubes, des lignes remplisseuses boucheuses, des boucheuses, des étiqueteuses, des encartonneuses et des mélangeurs homogénéiseurs. Ces machines sont utilisées par nos clients pour emballer leurs produits. Elles sont destinées à l'emballage de liquides, poudres, crèmes, pâtes, fluides et semi-fluides.

- Machine d'étiquetage pour tube soupleThe soft tube labeling machine is equipped with a label roll for labeling the soft tubes (filled with pharmaceuticals, creams or food) at a high speed. It is widely used for food product, cosmetics, and medical and pharmaceutical industry labeling needs.

- Étiqueteuse automatiqueThe automatic labeling machine is used to automatically label round bottles and a variety of differently sized products. Our labeling machine is widely used for food labeling, cosmetic labeling, automotive component labeling, and stationary labeling.

- Étiqueteuse pour bouteilles - partie avant et arrièreThe front and back labeling machine is suitable for front and back label application on flat bottles, square bottles and oval bottles. These bottles are widely used in food, cosmetic, medical and pharmaceutical, and pesticide industries.

- Étiqueteuse pour bouteilles - dessus et dessousThe top and bottom labeler machine is used to automatically label packaging for short bottles in square, round, and flat shapes. This equipment is widely used for food labeling, medical and pharmaceutical labeling, cosmetic labeling and other labeling applications.

- Étiqueteuse horizontaleThe horizontal wrap around labeler is suitable for automatically labeling bottles with a smaller diameter, as well as automatic printing of lot numbers. This labeling machine is widely used for cosmetic packaging, medical and pharmaceutical packaging.

- Étiqueteuse à manchon thermorétractableThe shrink sleeve labeling machine is suitable for labeling a variety of bottles, including 5 gallon buckets, cooking oil buckets, and sauce filled glass bottles. This machine is widely used for food packaging, beverage packaging, and other product packaging applications.

- Étiqueteuse encolleuse pour papierThe paper gluing labeler is suitable for labeling a variety of round bottles. When the bottles are changed, operators need only change the labeling machine gasket, thus making the machine suitable for different bottle types.

- Applicateur d'étiquettes pour surface planeFlat surface label applicator is mainly applicable to labeling the carton and packages, and these cartons are used for medical & pharmaceutical packaging, food product, electronics industry and hardware industry.